90% of all adults will have low back pain at some point of their lives. For 30% of those adults the pain will be due to a herniated disc in their lumbar spine.  This course will present the causes of lumbar disc herniation including the etiology, the potential surgical options, and management with the use of Pilates and functional movement strategies.  Education is one of the most important aspects for the client.  The more the client understands the way that their body moves and how it affects their spine structures, the more successful they will be with their recovery, exercise and daily activities. 


Course Objectives:

Students will list the main causes of herniations in the lumbar spine.

Students will describe the structures involved in a herniated lumbar disc and how they create symptoms in the back and the legs. 

Students will identify red flags that will spur them to refer a client to a medical doctor when suspecting herniated lumbar disc or the exacerbation of a herniated lumbar disc.

Students will describe surgical interventions and why they may be necessary.

Students will demonstrate specific exercises for the management of clients with herniated lumbar discs so that they can exercise without causing an exacerbation of their symptoms.


NPCP 4 and PHI 4